The Rising Influence of AI in Anime: A New Frontier in European Animation
In the vibrant world of animation, the influence of Japanese anime has been undeniable. With its distinctive art style, engaging storylines, and complex characters, anime has captivated audiences worldwide. However, the question arises: does European anime exist? The answer is not as straightforward as it may seem. Traditionally, anime has been associated with Japan, but the art form has inspired creators across the globe, including Europe. While there may not be a direct equivalent to the Japanese anime industry in Europe, there are several European animations that draw heavily from the anime style. These works, often referred to as "anime-inspired," showcase the growing impact of anime beyond its native borders. One of the most significant trends in the animation industry is the increasing use of Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI has the potential to revolutionize the way anime is created, distributed, and consumed. From automating tedious tasks in the animation process to p